Monday, July 1, 2013

Rainy Day for the Garden

I want to start today's blog by telling you about my show Friday night. Remember I was going to CLO Camp the other week? On Friday we had our big show, "Winnie the Pooh". I had so much fun during camp and met many new friends. I remembered my steps, songs, and my line; "Pick it up Pooh!". I am going to go to CLO Camp in the fall too!

This morning I worked very hard on writing the letter C in uppercase and lowercase. Then I practiced writing the numbers 1-20. I also read my BOB Books 1, 2, and 3, Mat, Sam, and Dot. I also wrote in my Social Studies and Science Journals. We read another book from the library. Today's book was "The Ugly Vegetables" by Grace Lin. The story was about a little girl who helped her mother plant a Chinese vegetable garden. The girl thought her garden was very ugly because her neighbors' gardens were full of colorful flowers and her garden was just green. But then, her mother made a yummy soup from all the vegetables and all the neighbors liked it.  I went to go check on the garden today. It rained last night and this morning so the garden is growing big. There are strawberries, peppers, and tomatoes. The corn is almost as tall as I am. Finally, I practiced learning how to spell more words watching The Talking Word Factory. I am working to learn how to spell all the at, et, it, ig, eg, and op words so I can move on to the next DVD.

After I finished all my school work I made my first batch of homemade noodles. I love Kitchen Science! Check out the pictures and video below.
This is a picture of me and my new friends, the cast of Winnie the Pooh at CLO Camp.
I was one of the green members of the rainbow narrators and a bumble bee.
I found some watermelons in the garden yesterday.
We made some more ice cream yesterday.
I'm practicing my letter C today.
I'm writing in my Science Journal.
Today we read the book, "The Ugly Vegetable" by Grace Lin
We completed a sandwich graphic organizer to summarize the story.
Another red strawberry. 
This is the first tomato growing in the garden.
This is the first banana pepper growing in the garden.
Look at how tall the corn has grown.
Click on the arrow to see how big the garden is getting.
Look at all the pasta I made. 
This is me eating the noodles I just made.
Click on the video to watch me making noodles.

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