Thursday, June 20, 2013

CLO Camp Day 4

I woke up super early again this morning and I even did some Summer Project 2013 school work before going to CLO Camp. I read the first two BOB books "Mat" and "Sam" twice each all by myself and I practiced my numbers 1-10 again. We had a big, big day at CLO Camp. We were on the stage practicing all day except for to eat lunch.
When I got home I had to take a nap I was so tired. Afterward I worked on some school work. First, I summarized by day at CLO Camp and drew a picture to represent it. Next, I reread the BOB books "Mat" and "Sam" all by myself. Then we read the BOB book "Dot". Then I wrote the numbers twelve, 12, thirteen, 13, and fourteen, 14 in my Math Journal. Finally we read the book "Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole and summarized it by using a Story Map. 
Later, I checked on the garden and there was another red strawberry ready to be picked. Tonight, I got a surprise. Since I took a nap, my dad lite the campfire in the garden and put a television back there. We sat under the colorful lights and stars and watched the Miami Heat game. We also ate some of the ice cream I made yesterday.
My dad also put up a new camera in the garden. Now you can see the garden even better than before. Go to GARDEN CAM to check out the live video feed.

I'm headed to my mom's for the week after CLO Camp tomorrow. I will see you back here on Monday, July 1, 2013.
This is me practicing my numbers before CLO Camp.
This is me arriving to CLO Camp where I am learning
to act and sing in a musical production.
More strawberries are growing in the garden.
Another great day at CLO Camp.
I am drawing a summary of my day at CLO Camp. 
Here I am writing in my Math Journal.
Today's book is" Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole.
Here I am reading my second BOB book.
Another red strawberry to eat.
My dad surprised me tonight with a campfire and a
television to watch the Miami Heat game in the garden.
Headband time! Go Heat!

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