Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Garden Sessions

Before I went to my hockey game today I checked on the celery science experiment I started on Friday. I wanted to see if the leaves were redder and bluer and they were. Then we cut them hot dog style (vertically) to see if the colors were in the center. They were; we could see the red and the blue colors running up the stalks. It rained almost all day today and the garden soaked up over half an inch of rain. While it was raining I practiced writing words, sentences, and numbers. I also read my very first book on my own. It was really hard, but now that I know I can do it, I want to try another one. We also read a big book today, "From Seed to Plant" by Gail Gibbons. To summarize it I created a storyboard of how a seed grows into a plant. Once it stopped raining I went out to check on the garden. Not only are there more strawberries growing, but the bottom of the romaine lettuce head that I planted has all ready started growing. 
Checking out the inside of the celery stalk.
I read this book all on my own today. It is the first book I have ever read.
We read a book about how plants grow.
Today we read "From Seed To Plant" by Gail Gibbons
Click on the arrow to watch me make a
storyboard of the book we read today.
My completed storyboard summarizing the book we read
today and showing the stages of a seed growing into a plant.
LOOK! The romaine lettuce bottoms I planted yesterday
are all ready growing. It isn't taking as long as I thought.

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