Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Limin' in My Garden

I started off today by practicing writing the letter O in upper case and lower case. I also practiced writing the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. I'm getting use to writing my name and the date on the top of all my papers. Today I remembered how to spell the word June all on my own. Last night I surprised my dad by remembering how to spell the word cat. This morning when I got stuck on how to spell cat again I sounded out the letters just like in the Talking Word Factory video. Later, I filled in the blanks on the parts of a sprouting plant. We read the book "Mystery Vine" by Cathryn Falwell and summarized the story by using a sequencing graphic organizer. Afterward I played my first game of chess. It's pretty cool even though I didn't win. Later on today I'm going to play chess again in my garden. Speaking of the garden, I went and checked on it after my studies. The string beans are sprouting and the strawberry buds are blossoming. I played some reggae music for the garden and just limed. My dad says that's island talk for relaxing. I decided I had relaxed enough and asked if we could go back to the library. I returned some books and checked out some more. I like the library. I also got ready for our field trip this afternoon by typing in my address and then the words Phipps Conservatory into Google Maps. It gave me directions and a map on how to get there so I could go to the farmer's market. I filled out a KWL chart on a farmer's market. Before going, I knew what a farmer was and that some had cows and pigs. I didn't know what a market was and I wanted to know if any of the farmers have pumpkins. I didn't ask my question about pumpkins, but I did find out that a market is a place where people buy and sell things. I bought a delicious slice of watermelon and a bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies. 
This is me practicing writing the letter O.
In this picture I am identifying the parts of a seedling.
Click on the arrow to watch a video of me writing the word leaf.
We read the book Mystery Vine by Cathryn Falwell today.
The mystery vine was pumpkins. I'm growing pumpkins too.
Click on the arrow to watch me play my first game of chess
using No Stress Chess. I liked it!
Limin' in my garden.
This is a picture of Bubby Wubby and me getting directions to the farmer's market.
Here I am back at the library. I like it here.
Organic strawberries from the farmer's market.
Delicious watermelon from the farmer's market.
Great homemade chocolate chip cookies from the farmer's market.


  1. What an adorable photo of you with my book, "Mystery Vine" ! I'm glad that you have a garden and can watch things grow. Such fun! I have a new book out called "Rainbow Stew" about kids who help their Grandpa pick all the colors in his garden and then cook up a tasty rainbow lunch!
    Have fun, and Happy Reading!

    Cathryn Falwell

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement. We will definitely look for "Rainbow Stew" at the library.

      John A. Rehak, Jr.
