Tuesday, June 18, 2013

CLO Camp Day 2

Today I woke up really early so that I could practice hockey and tend to the garden before I went to CLO Camp. When I got to the garden I noticed many changes. It seems like all the fruit and vegetable plants are growing bigger and bigger every day. That romaine lettuce that I planted over the weekend just keeps growing and the corn is getting taller. I even picked my first strawberry!
When I got to CLO Camp today we all got assigned our characters and lines. I am the green in the rainbow narrators and I say, "To your left... No Pooh, you're other left." I will also be a bubble bee. I am so excited. I have to practice my line and all the lyrics to the songs every night to make sure I give a good performance next week. After CLO Camp I went to the library to return some books and check out something new. I saw the librarians Michelle and James there. Then my dad took me to buy my costume for the performance. I have to wear all green because I am the "green" in the rainbow narrators and a black head band for my part as a bubble bee. I am so excited.
Because my day was so long, I did not do any other work on my Summer Project 2013 today.
The garden is really growing.
These are the tops of the carrots that are growing in the garden.
Two red strawberries are growing in the garden.
One of the strawberries was ripe for picking.
The romaine lettuce I planted on Saturday is growing so fast.
The corn is as tall as the fence now.
The herbs are growing the fastest.
This is me arriving bright and early to CLO Camp.
I really like it here!

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