Monday, June 17, 2013

CLO Camp Day 1

Every day this week I am going to CLO Camp from 8:30am - 2:30pm. It's a super long day, but lots of fun. Most of my focus will be on my time at CLO this week, but I will still do a little school work each day and tend to my garden. The Pittsburgh CLO is a theatre company that hosts many productions each year. I like to go to the theatre and also act out scenes in movies so my dad thought I might like this camp.
CLO Camp was tons of fun. I met some new friends, practiced lines for a theatre production, and sang songs. I even got to get on stage. I'm not sure I want to be on stage in front of a lot of people yet, but I like camp. On our way home we stopped by the library. I asked my dad this morning if we could and he said yes. I returned a few books and checked out a new one on karate. I keep finding new things in the library.
When I came home I checked on the garden. There are more strawberries and the zucchini and pumpkin vines are growing so big. My dad planted some more flowery plants on the fence and watered the garden. I am so excited for all my friends to see the garden one day soon. Then, I dictated a summary of my day at CLO Camp and drew a picture. I also practiced my numbers 1-10 and reread the BOB Book Mat again all by myself. Then we read the book "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Krauss. Finally, I dictated a summary of the book and drew a picture.
Here are a few pictures, I will add more tomorrow.
This is a picture of me and some of my camp mates.
We had all just arrived and were kind of quiet.
Back at the library. I love this place!
This is the row of zuccihni is growing so fast.
This is the pumpkin vine, I think it is growing so big
and fast because it is directly under the scarecrow.
We read "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Krauss today.

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