Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday School in the Sun

The first thing I did when I woke up was look at the celery stalks I placed in the glasses of colored water yesterday. Boy was I wrong on my hypothesis. The red and blue water had gone all the way up to the top of the stalk. I had said it would take ninety-nine days to get to the top. Thank you to everyone who left their hypothesis in the comment section of yesterday's blog entry. I also started another experiment last night. I took the bottom of the celery stalk that we cut off yesterday and planted it in the ground along with two ends of romaine lettuce. My hypothesis is that each will grow into a new plant. I think it will take a little longer to see if I am correct.

Today I asked if I could do my school work on the deck and we did. First I practiced writing the letter D and then the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Then we read the book "Oh Say Can You Seed?" by Bonnie Worth. It was a really long book, but we read it all at once. I discovered that some seeds blow in the wind and that some have spikes. I also learned interesting facts such as bees carry pollen and some animals live underground near the roots of plants. Finally, I completed a "Let's name..." card. I got to lay in the grass and look up in the sky and name things I could see in the sky. 
Check it out! The colored water all ready made it up the celery stalks.
This is the bottom of the celery that I used for my science experiment.
Now I have planted it in the garden and started a new science experiment
to see if it will grow into a new celery plant.
These are the bottoms of two heads of romaine lettuce.
They are also a part of my next science experiment to see
if they will grow into new plants.
My dad surprised me last night by hanging colored
lights above the garden.
A picture of me writing the letter D.
A picture of me writing my numbers.
We read today's library book in the garden.
This is me with the book we read today,
"Oh Say Can You Seed?" by Bonnie Worth.
I laid down in my garden and named the things
I saw in the sky.
There is a strawberry turning red in the garden!
Click on the arrow to watch me practice my math.

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