Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CLO Camp Day 3

I woke up super early again this morning so that I could practice my hockey and tend to the garden before going to CLO Camp. I found another strawberry today that was ready to pick. Today at CLO Camp we practiced our songs and lines some more. My line changed to, "Pick it up Pooh!" I am getting more and more excited about the performance next week. I really like CLO Camp.
Later when I came home from camp, I worked on my Summer Project 2013 work. I started by summarizing what I did at CLO Camp today and I drew a picture of me on the stage and the stage curtain in the back ground. Then I practiced writing my numbers 1-10. I also practiced writing "at" words in my Language Arts Journal; cat, mat, sat, bat, hat, fat. I also wrote the entire alphabet in my Language Arts Journal. Afterward, I reread the BOB Book "Mat" set 1, book 1 all by myself and then I helped read book 2 "Sam". I am so excited that I can read and I like the BOB books very much. Finally we read the book, "and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
I did have a special surprise science project to complete when I got home from camp. We completed it in two parts. I had to guess what it was we were doing the entire time. First we whipped some egg yolks, sugar, and heavy cream together. Then, we warmed it on the stove. Finally we added vanilla, salt, and whipping cream and stirred everything together before putting it in the refrigerator. I thought it might be cheese but no one would tell me if that was right. After I did my school work and had dinner, we placed the mixture back in a bigger bowl and watched it whip around for twenty minutes or so. I thought it might still be cheese, until I tasted it. It was vanilla ice cream! I made my very own vanilla ice cream! I couldn't believe it. It tasted so good!
Finally, I was outside before I went to bed and the dogs found a rabbit nest in the yard. There was a little gray baby rabbit deep in the nest.
I found another ripe strawberry in the garden today.
This is an outdoor thermometer and rain gage.
I am drawing the picture summary to go along with what
I dictated about my third day at CLO Camp.
Click on the arrow to watch me draw my picture
summary of what I did at CLO Camp today.
Practicing my numbers.
Click on the arrow to watch me read my first book.
We read the book, "and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
I completed the graphic organizer I used to
summary the book, "and then it's spring"
by Julie Fogliano.
Me and the book we read today,
"and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
All the ingredients I need to make my first batch of ice cream.
Whipping the eggs into shape.
Next I stirred the custard over the stove top.
Then I stirred in the rest of the ingredients.
After the custard sat in the refrigerator for awhile,
I poured it into the ice cream maker.
Click on the arrow to watch me pour the custard
into the ice cream maker.
The ice cream maker at work.
Tasting my first batch of vanilla ice cream.
With rainbow sprinkles of course!
This is the baby rabbit nest I found in the yard.
There is a little gray, baby rabbit in there.


  1. Hollie konek-MorganJune 20, 2013 at 7:45 AM

    Great job. I was curious of what u were doing so I decided to look. This was great. I'm glad Stacy posted it. Keep it up

  2. Exciting and delicious John! Whatever happened with the celery stalks?

    1. Miss Diane, the celery stalks got bluer and bluer and reder and reder until the whole house smelled like celery. Then I threw them out.
