Monday, June 3, 2013

My Garden is Growing

Today I practiced writing the letter T and the numbers 7 and 8. I watched a video about the Life Cycle of a Plant. I liked the video because it showed me what the plants in my garden are doing. First I dug a hole, then put the seeds in, covered them up with dirt, and watered them. In the video they showed how the seeds need water and sunlight to grow roots, stems, leaves, buds, and flowers that turn into fruits and vegetables. I wrote the words rabbit, fence, and gate in my Language Arts Journal. I also wrote the words three, four, and five, and the numbers 3, 4, and 5 in my Math Journal. I played a game of dominos. I tended to my garden after we read the book The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. The seeds I planted last week are already beginning to sprout and the plants are growing tall. Finally, we went to the library and returned the books I read last week. There were new books on gardening waiting for me to take home. I also checked out two books about Star Wars and a Hulk video. I had no idea that the library had books about Star Wars or movies like The Incredible Hulk that I could take home. I'm beginning to like visiting the library more and more.
Today we read The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
I played a game of dominos, but not with Bubby Wubby.
I asked the Librarians Michelle and James if they would
help me find a book about Star Wars so I could learn all
the characters. They found it!
My garden is growing.
These are the carrots.
This is the corn.
These are string beans.
This is the first watermelon sprout.

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