Friday, May 24, 2013

Planting Day

Today I practiced writing the big I and little i. While I was practicing, I wrote the word ill. I also practiced writing the numbers 5 and 6. We read the book "The Munched-Up Flower Garden" by Nancy Kelly Allen and illustrated by K. Michael Crawford. It was a story about a little girl name Liz who wanted to win a blue ribbon for her flower garden. The day of the picnic there was a problem. She woke up and her flowers were destroyed. Liz thought there was no way she would win. But, the judges had picked the winner the day before and Liz's garden won first prize. Finally we spent the rest of the morning planting seed and baby plants for our fruit and vegetable garden. My dad worked very hard to help me. I planted my favorite fruit. It's watermelon!

I'll see everyone back here on Monday, June 3, 2013.
I'm going to my mom's house for the week.

I'm writing the word May on my Daily Goal Sheet.
I am practing writing the letter I in lower and upper case.
Today I read the book "The Munched-Up Flower Garden".
I brought some of the plants out to the garden.
I planted baby bell peppers.
I planted corn seeds.
Here I helped by dad with the last row of vegetable plants.
Click on the play button to watch.
My dad put a fence around the garden to help keep the rabbits out.

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