Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today's Big Dig

Today I practiced writing the numbers 3 and 4. I also practiced writing the letter Ll in upper case and lower case. We read the book "Daisy's Big Dig" by Angie Morgan and wrote a summary. The story was about a girl name Daisy who had lots of neighbors. There was a problem, her neighbor Mr. Hofmeister hurt his back and could not dig in his garden. Daisy got all the other neighbors to come help him. Then, we had a Big Dig of our own! We spent the rest of the morning digging up the area where we will plant our fruit and vegetable garden tomorrow. I said something funny, "Gardening is hard work, just like Lucy said in that book we read on Tuesday." We also found lots of things to keep.

Practicing my upper case and lower case Ll. 
We read and summarized the book
Daisy's Big Dig by Angie Morgan.
My dad prepared the area where we will till today.
I supervised my dad tilling the area where we will plant our garden.
My dog Boo Boo Bear wasn't much help looking for rocks.
See, Boo Boo Bear is not much help at all.
Click the button to watch the video.
We had three wheel barrels full of rocks.
We're ready to plant our
fruit and vegetable garden tomorrow!
Things we found tilling the garden today!

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