Friday, June 14, 2013

A Growing Garden

I came back from my mom's house early and I have acting camp this week, and today was my last day at CMU Camp which is the school I went to for the past two years. I thought I would do a little of my Summer Project 2013 every day this week instead of just Monday thru Friday.
The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was check on the garden. My dad took good care of it while I was away. There are strawberries and sweet pea pods growing. The carrots, watermelon, and corn are getting taller. The tomato plants have flowers on them and that means the tomatoes will start growing next. I am so excited about the garden growing. I went to the library today to check out more books. I also checked out another movie, Hotel Transylvania. Finally, I came home and did a science experiment. I placed celery stalks in colored water to see how water travels up the stem of plants to help them grow. My hypothesis is that it will take five days for the colored water to travel half-way up the stalk and ninety-nine days to travel the entire way up the stalk. I am going to observe them every day to see if I am correct. I did not read a library book today, but I did read two books at bedtime last night.
Three sweet pea pods growing in the garden.
The first strawberry growing in the garden.
The first watermelon vine growing in the garden.
Me showing Bubby Wubby the strawberries are growing. 
Click on the arrow to see me clipping mint in the garden.
I'm all ready back at the library checking out more books.
My science experiment. How long do you think it will
take the colored water to travel all the way up the stalk?
Tell me below in the comment section.


  1. Nice garden! I think it will take one week for the water to travel up the stalks, but please let us know. Diane

    1. Thank you Diane. Sorry, you were wrong. It only took one day for the water to travel up the stalk. Thank you for adding your guess to my website.

  2. John, I think it will take 3 days for the water to travel to the top. I love your garden, the row are so neat. When do you expect your first produce to be ready to pick?
    I also like your scarecrow!!!!!!
    Mary Moore

    1. I'm glad you like my garden Miss Mary. I don't know when I will get to pick my vegetables. I'm glad you like my scarecrow, it keeps the birds away. Sorry you were not right, it took one day for the water to travel up the celery stalk. Thank you for guessing.

  3. Oh no, I almost guessed 1 day but thought due to the fiber in the celery it may take a little longer. Did you design the scarecrow?
    Miss Mary

    1. Miss Mary, my dad drank all the soda and Zero, my Stacy drank the water, then I designed the scarecrow and popped the soda can tops off to make teeth. Stacy put it all together for me and my dad made the stand to hang it on.
