Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's a Beautiful Day in Pittsburgh

I started today by practicing writing the letter F in uppercase and lowercase. F is a very FUN letter. I followed the letter F up with practicing my numbers 11 - 20. One of the sheets tried to trick me by mixing up all the numbers on the paper. I also wrote the alphabet in lowercase in my Language Arts Journal. I finally read the BOB Book number 3, Dot, all by myself. Dot is a hard book to read, but I got through it. Now I can move on to BOB Book number 4, Mac. Before going out to check on the garden, we read the library book "Bring Me Some Apples and I'll Make You a Pie: A Story About Edna Lewis" by Robbin Gourley. The book told the story of a woman name Edna Lewis when she was a little girl. When Edna was little she would spend the summers on her grandmother's farm. In the book Edna tells the story of how she and her family would harvest fruits and vegetables from spring to fall and preserve some for winter. Edna grew up to be a chef in Brooklyn, New York. To summarize the book I completed a storyboard of the events. Once I was done with all the reading, writing, and math, I went to check on the garden. There were more strawberries to pick, more peppers and tomatoes were growing, and I saw the first zucchini. After checking on the garden I finished my morning with a field trip to the West End Overlook where the Roving Art Cart was for the day. It was really nice. There was face painting, watercolors to paint with, beads to string, clay to form, and coffee filter butterflies to make. They also had a big bucket of chalk for kids to draw on the sidewalk with. I had so much fun. I had fireworks painted on my face and I wrote words on the sidewalk in chalk. Today was a very good day, especially because I'm going to the Pirates game tonight!
 Click on the arrow to watch me fill out my goal sheet.
Here I am practicing the letter F.
I am counting the dots to make sure I write the correct number.
 Click on the arrow to watch me read the book Dot.
Today's library book.
Bubby Wubby and me with today's book, "Bring Me Some
Apples and I'll Make You a Pie: A Story About Edna Lewis"
by Robbin Gourley
Here I am making my storyboard of today's book.
I found more strawberries ready to be picked.
This is a zucchini growing in my garden. 
I found another pepper today.
This is a view of Pittsburgh from the West End Overlook.
Drawing with chalk on the sidewalk at the Roving Art Cart. 
Here I am getting fireworks painted on my face.
Click on the arrow to watch me spell the word cat.

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