Monday, July 29, 2013

I Read the Purple Book By Myself

Today I started by reading BOB Book number 4 Mac by myself. I got all the words and sentences correct. I was so excited that I asked to read book number 5, Dot and Mit by myself too. I did pretty good job with all the words. Next I did something new, I worked with flash cards that had words on them. There were many cards and when I saw the words down, cat, and dad, I knew them already because I am learning to read.
I practiced writing the letter S today in lower case and upper case. Ss are easy to write. I took my time and did very well on writing words that have the letter s in them. Then I completed my math work. I practiced my numbers 1 - 30 and I did addition equations. I like counting and adding numbers.
I did another new thing today too. It is called a Venn Diagram and it is used to talk about things that might be the same and things that might be different. Today I thought about how a car and a bicycle are the same and how they are different. First I started by just thinking about the two things and then I went outside and looked at my bike and my dad's car and came up with more ideas.
Before I went to the garden I went outside and read today's library book. We read "Tippy - Tippy - Tippy, Hide!" by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas. It was a story about three bunnies that keep breaking into an old man's house to stay warm for the winter. 
Finally, I went to check on the garden. I was worried that the plants may have died because there has been so much rain. The garden was fine. All the plants are growing bigger. I even picked string beans. There are many tomatoes coming in and there are corn cobs growing.
I did it! I read the books Mac and Dot and Mit!
Here I am practicing my handwriting.
Click on the arrow to watch me read the directions.
Time to do math work.
I like adding numbers together.
I thought of things that are the same and different with my bike and my dad's car. 
Today's library book was "Tippy - Tippy - Tippy, Hide!"
by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas.
I gave a summary of the book and drew a picture.
My garden is big!
String Beans
I picked string beans today.
We're going to eat these string beans for dinner.
I found a cob of corn growing today.
The tomatoes are still green but they are growing bigger.

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