Thursday, July 18, 2013

Super Hot Days Are Good For The Garden

Today I started by filling out my goal sheet with the day of the week, the month, date, and year. I know how to spell July without looking at it to copy. Next I named things that live in the ocean, like fish, jellyfish, and sharks.
I read my BOB Book number 4 Mac by myself. I got all the "had" words correct.
Then it was time for me to practice my handwriting. Today I practiced writing the letter U in lowercase and uppercase. I also practiced my numbers 11-30. I did addition problems. Math is very easy for me.
Next I read the book, "Oliver's Milk Shake" by Vivian French. Oliver went to farm with his sister Lily and his Aunt Jen to buy fresh fruit and milk to make milk shakes. 
I went to check on the garden and there were many banana peppers to pick. There were also some string beans ready to eat. I am still waiting for the bell peppers to change color. I pulled up some carrots put they were still very tiny. 
It was very hot outside, so I came back in the house and did a 26 piece alphabet puzzle. It was hard, but I was happy when I finished it.
Time for math.
I wanted to read the directions myself.
I love doing addition problems.
Today we read the book, "Oliver's Milk Shake" by Vivian French.
The pumpkin is growing larger.
Look how small these carrots are.
I put them back in the ground to let them grow more. 
The tomatoes are getting bigger but they aren't ripe yet.
The peppers are big but they still have to change color.
The bell peppers have to grow some more and change color.
There were a bunch of string beans ready to be picked.
These string beans are long, but they're not ready to be picked.
Once they are greener they will be ready. 
These are all the vegetables we picked today.
A basket of fresh picked banana peppers and string beans.
Click on the arrow to watch me put a puzzle together.
This is the twenty-six piece alphabet puzzle I completed.

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