Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Great Sunshine Filled Day in the Garden

Today I had a rough start with my BOB Book number 4, Mac. I kept saying the word has for the word had. We set the BOB Books aside for awhile and went on to other things. First I practiced my handwriting. Today I wrote only sentences. It was much more fun then just practicing letters. I did really well. My handwriting was very nice.
Next, I practiced my math. I wrote the numbers 1-30 and completed some addition problems. Math is still my favorite.
Then, I tried to go back to my problem with the words has and had. I read sentences that used one or the other in it and circled the word has and underlined the word had. I still had a difficult time figuring out which was which even though I know they are spelled differently. 
Next, we went out into the garden to read today's book, "Two Old Potatoes and Me" by John Coy. It was a funny book about a little girl who goes to her dad's house and they plant a potato garden. It reminded me of me and my dad planting a garden. Once we were done reading I summarized the book by making a video. You can watch the video below. While we were out there I checked on the garden. The pumpkins are getting bigger and the dogs could definitely smell the rabbit, but we did not see it.
Next I came inside and went to the educational website The Potato Story. There I reviewed the parts of the plant and what each part does to help the fruits and vegetables grow. It was a neat website with funny characters.
Finally, I tried BOB Book number 4 Mac. It was easier this time and I read the other BOB Books too. 
I practiced my handwriting with a whole page of sentences. 
Here I am practicing my numbers,
and more numbers.
Click on the arrow to watch me practice adding.
Click on the arrow to watch me do some more of my favorite thing, Math.
Today we read the book, "Two Old Potatoes and Me" by John Coy.
Click on the arrow to watch Part 1 of my book summary.
Click on the arrow to watch Part 2 of my book summary.
Side Note: The dog did not eat the baby bunny.
The baby bunny survived and now lives in the garden.
Welcome to my garden, here is your garden weather.
Click on the arrow to play.

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