Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I Had Fun!

Today I started with my sight word flash cards. I recognized the words a, I, cat, dad, and down. Once I was warmed up, I decided I wanted to tackle my BOB Books. I started with the newest book, Dot and Mit and I read it all by myself. I only made a mistake on two words in the whole book. I followed that with the rest of the BOB Books I have learned to read.
Next I did my weekly visual assessments and I did really good. First I did the numbers 1 - 50 and I only got eleven wrong. Then I worked on the alphabet. I recognized all the letters and their sounds. Finally, I had to name whether the letters were constants or vowels. I only made a mistake on three of the letters.
Then I practiced my handwriting with the letter B in upper case and lower case. Followed by math time. I practiced recognizing the numbers 1 - 30 to begin with and completed addition equations. Today I learned that whenever I add a number to zero the number stays the same, like 1,000+0=1,000. I like big numbers.
I completed another Venn Diagram today. I decided I wanted to name the things that are the same and different with a motorcycle and a bicycle. I thought of a lot of things and when I got stuck I went outside to look and named some more.
Finally we went to check on the garden and read a library book. Today we read "Wiggle and Waggle" by Caroline Arnold. It was a story about two worms that were friends and helped the vegetables in the garden grow. My garden is still growing and today I picked many banana peppers.
I asked that videos be made of me reading all my BOB Books today. The videos came out fine, but I cannot get them to upload here on the website. Here is one video.
BOB Books Set 1 Book 1: Mat
I practiced writing the letter B today.
This is the Venn Diagram I dictated today
about motorcycles and bicycles.
Today's library book was,
"Wiggle and Waggle" by Caroline Arnold. 
More banana peppers were ready to be picked today.
Look how tall the corn is now!

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