Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday in the Summertime

I know it isn't Monday yet, but I have to share all the different things I've been doing since yesterday.

Yesterday when I arrived back at my dad's house I headed straight for the garden where I found the most gigantic zucchini. There were also more banana peppers to pick and a watermelon. The corn is as tall as I am, the string beans are reaching for the sky, there are tomatoes and bell peppers coming in and it might be time to pull up the carrots. 
Click on the arrow to see the huge zucchini that grew in the garden.
Look how big this zucchini grew.
The corn is finally as tall as I am. 
A full basket of fruit and vegetables from the garden. 
We saw a tiny rabbit run from the garden while we were picking.
Today I started out by making birdseed wreaths for all the birds that visit the garden. Sometimes I see robins, blue jays, and even cardinals. I have a new piece of equipment for when I do kitchen science (that's fancy for cook). I got a really cool apron. At first I liked it, then I didn't want to wear it but my kitchen science partner says she knows of some hockey playing chefs like me and they always wear their aprons in the kitchen.
First I poured some cool water in a bowl.
Then I stirred in some gelatin and boiling water.
Next I tossed in birdseed.
I stirred in a cup at a time.
I stirred... 
Click on the arrow to watch me stir some more!
I grabbed some mix, rolled it in a ball and placed it on wax paper.
Then I flattened the balls and poked a hole in it.
When the wreaths are dry we will string them and hang them outside.
I now believe that hockey players can be chefs and chefs can be hockey players. Thanks Chuck Hughes!

Click on the photograph to follow Chuck Hughes on Twitter.
Next I went down to the soccer stadium and took part in The Great American Water Balloon Fight. It was all to help raise money for Team Tassy which helps people in a country called  Haiti. I like helping people. It was so much fun. First we filled tiny balloons full of water and placed them in our buckets. Next we waited until the horn was sounded and then we threw all our water balloons at the other teams. I have never done anything like this before. It was a fun game.
I've got my bucket and I'm headed to fill up my balloons.
Look at how tiny the balloons are now.
The balloons get bigger when I fill them with water. 
I found Iceburgh from the Pittsburgh Penguins.
We have our water balloons ready.
Just before the start of The Great American Water Balloon Fight.
Click on the arrow to watch me go in!
Throwing it long. 
Click on the arrow to see the water balloons everywhere.
What else is there to do on a hot Saturday afternoon?
Click on the arrow to watch more of The Great American Water Balloon Fight.
I'm looking for just the right target.
Time to clean up the field.
I had a really fun time.
The yellow balloons have caught me.
Did I mention I had a great time?
Finally, I took a nap after the water balloon fight so that I could enjoy a fun surprise tonight and stay up past my bedtime. We went to the Grandview Overlook Park for the Saturday night movie. Tonight's movie was The Goonies. I have never heard of this movie before and I really liked it. It was very funny. We packed a picnic basket full of snacks and took our chairs. It was very relaxing. We could also see the fireworks from PNC Park.

I'm going to a surprise movie.
Not only was I surprised that the movie was outside,
but in the picnic basket I found my favorite candy.
It is my favorite because I eat it when I go see Cirque du Soleil.
The Grandview Park Overlook has a very nice view of Pittsburgh.
We played one of my favorite games, UNO while waiting for the movie to begin.
The movie The Goonies played tonight.
I couldn't take my eyes off The Goonies.
Click on the arrow to watch a funny part in the movie The Goonies.
This is when Sloth and Chunk meet.


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