Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boo Boo, Stacy, and John are Rock n' Roll

Today I got to choose when I did my school activities (and obviously the title of today's entry). I decided to start by reading my library book for the day, "Anno's Magic Seed" by Mitsumasa Anno. A wizard gave Jack two magic seeds and ate one and planted the other. The planted seed grew two more seeds and eventually Jack had many many seeds. There was a lot of math in this book and I liked it.
Next I did a Venn Diagram based on the similarities and differnces between the washer and the dryer. Then I worked with my sight word flash cards. I didn't remember any new words, but still remembered which words were I, a, cat, dad, and down. 
Then I practiced my handwriting. Today I worked on the letter P. I had a hard time with the lower case p, it was tricky. Finally, I worked on math. I started by practicing the numbers 1 - 30 and finished with addition equations. Today I practiced adding with the number 1. Adding with 1 is easy because it is just the next number.
When I went out to check on the garden it seemed like the plants were even bigger than yesterday. 
Today's library book was,
"Anno's Magic Seed" by Mitsumasa Anno 
After we read the book we continued
planting seeds on our story summary. 
Click on the arrow to watch me complete my reading
graphic organizer. Sometimes reading books have math in them.
I am writing my name on the Venn Diagram I dictated.
These are all the books I know how to read.
This is Principal Bubby Wubby.
Click on the arrow to watch me practice my handwriting.
Click on the arrow to watch my mad math skills.
Click on the arrow to watch my mad math skills.
This is my dog Boo Boo Bear,
she is waiting for the rabbit to visit the garden.
Welcome back to my garden.
Corn on the Cob
My pumpkin doesn't seem to be growing anymore. 
My garden helper was trying to reposition the pumpkin
and it snapped right off the vine.
The tomatoes are getting fat.

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