Friday, July 5, 2013

Picking Peppers from the Garden

Today I started out by reading BOB Book 3, Dot. I finally read it by myself without skipping or adding any words. Afterward I read BOB Books 1 and 2, Mat and Sam. I know how to read those all ready. Then we read BOB Book 4, Mac. This one looks like it will be even harder than Dot.
Next I practiced writing the letter G in uppercase and in lowercase. I had a hard time figuring out which lines to start and end on, especially with the little g. Then I practiced writing the numbers 11-20. Math is a snap and I finished my math lesson up by writing in my Math Journal. After math it was time to read another library book.
I have read twenty-four books so far this summer. You can see all the books I have read this summer on my Books We Read list. Today's book makes twenty-five. We read "Apple Pie 4th of July" by Janet S. Wong and illustrated by Margaret Chodos-Irvine. It was a story about a little girl who's family owned a market. Her parents were cooking Chinese food and she tried to tell them that no one eats Chinese food on the fourth of July because they like apple pie. But the little girl was wrong, people like to eat all sorts of things on the fourth of July including Chinese food and apple pie.
I checked on my garden today and found that more strawberries are growing, the bell peppers are getting bigger, the corn is almost as tall as me, and some of the banana peppers were ready to be picked.
Finally, I went to the library to return a whole bag full of books and I picked up one new one. Oh, I almost forgot, we finished reading our night time chapter book "The Magic Pickle and the Garden of Evil" by Scott Morse last night. 

I'm headed to my mom's for the week.
I'll see you all back here on Monday, July 15th.
Keep an eye on the garden for me while I'm gone by visiting the
Every day I practice writing the day, month, date, and year.
This is me working on the letter G.
Here I am writing in my Math Journal. 
Today's library book, "Apple Pie 4th of July" by Janet S. Wong.
Look at this corn! It is almost as tall as me. 
Time to pick some peppers.
This bell pepper has grown so much this week. 
More strawberries are on the way.
Bubby Wubby jumped in the car.
She wanted to go to the library too.
My bag was so full of books to return I could barely carry it.
Some days, I just can't wait to get home to read my library books.


  1. John, your garden is awesome!! The vegetables are getting so ripe for picking. Are you growing yellow or white corn? Glad to see you like the library. It is one of my favorite places to visit.
    Mary Moore
