Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bedtime is Canceled

Today I got to decide what school activities I did when again. I like doing that. First I had BOB Book number 6, "Dot and the Dog" read to me. Then I read BOB Books number 1 - 5 to my dad. I have gotten really good at reading my BOB Books. Next I wanted to read today's library book, "Secrets of the Garden" by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld. I like to spell out the key vocabulary words. When I started this website I couldn't read anything more than my own name. It's kind of cool that I can read books and spell words.
I worked on things that are similar and different using another Venn Diagram. Today I compared a wheel and a donut. It was funny. If you put a donut on a bicycle you would crash and if you tried to eat a wheel it would taste bad.
I was getting read to do my sight word flash cards but instead decided to spell some words from memory. I spelled fun, pig, sun, and run. I also got to learn a new word today, August. Today is August 1st, the first day of the new month. Once I spelled those words I practiced my flash cards and I remembered the words I, a, go, down, cat, and dad. 
Next I did some math. I practiced my numbers 1 - 30 and worked on addition equations. Today I practiced adding by 2, like 2+2=4 and 2+10=12. I like adding. Then it was time to practice my handwriting with the letter R in lower case and upper case. I had a difficult time remembering to put the tail on my lower case r, but I got better at it.
Before going to the garden I did my vision therapy homework. I forgot to mention that yesterday. I get to wear these really cool glasses, one side is red and one side is green. I look at pictures or read a book through a piece of plastic that has green and red stripes on it. It is funny and sometimes hard, but I can do it really fast. Then I used this thing called a Brock String. It has a green bead, a yellow bead, and a red bead on it. We move the beads up and down a string and then I look at the bead and see more than one string. It's like magic.
Last night my dad and I built a tent in the garden. Tonight we are going to camp out in the garden. I am so excited. That is why today's entry is titled "Bedtime is Canceled". I got it from a book we read a few days ago by Cece Meng. The kids wrote a note that said Bedtime is Canceled and everyone believed it and all the kids stayed up all night. Anyway, back to the garden. While we were putting up the tent last night we found a giant zucchini that had grown and we didn't even see it. Today there were more banana peppers and string beans to pick. I saw some really big tomatoes, but they aren't ripe yet.
Don't forget to visit the Garden Cam!

Today's library book was,
"Secrets of the Garden" by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld.
I can spell more words from memory.
Look at the words I recognized on my sight word flash cards. 
Adding numbers is one of my favorite things to do.
The tomatoes are getting bigger. 
More string beans to pick today.
Look at this tiny string bean I found on the vine.
This is the giant zucchini I found in the garden last night.
I found another zucchini growing in the garden.
The corn has grown so tall, I can't reach the top anymore.
This is a flower from my pumpkin vine. 
More banana peppers to pick.
I am still waiting for this bell pepper to turn red even though it is very big.
This is the tent I built with my dad. We are going to camp out tonight.
Today's pick; string beans and banana peppers.
Don't forget!


  1. John, you have had a busy summer! My favorite activity is reading and so glad you are are learning to read and spell words. Your garden is awesome! How was your first night in the tent?
    Ms. Mary

    1. Ms. Mary, I was so tired after the baseball game last night that I forgot all about the tent. But I will sleep in the tent when I get back from my mom's. I all ready know how to spell the word August and it's only my second day of practicing it. Thank you for visiting my website.
