Friday, August 2, 2013

August, Exit, House, and More

I asked to start by reading today's library book, "Up, Down, and Around" by Katherine Ayres. It was all about the different directions plants grow. Some grow down in the dirt, some grow above the dirt, and some grow on a twisty vine. I liked how I got to summarize today's story. I drew all the different vegetables in the direction they grew in. Next I read all my BOB Books, except for #6 Dot and the Dog, that one was read to me. 
I worked on another Venn Diagram. Today I did what was the same and what was different between a watermelon and a carrot. When I get back from my mom's I'm going to do a Venn Diagram on a dog and a cat. I did  my sight word flashcards next and I recognized more words today. I even surprised myself. I saw the cards and the words just jumped out of my mouth. Today I recognized dog, exit, house, a, and, I, go, down, book, dad, and cat. Oh, and by the way, I have all ready remembered how to spell the word August!
Next I practiced my handwriting with the letter N. I wrote it in lower case and upper case. At first I thought I wasn't going to be able to write the lower case n, but then I did a really good job. I thought I would be fine with the upper case N, but then I had a really hard time with it. Then I did some addition equations. I am really good at math. I also did my vision therapy homework. Today I worked on my red and green reading with letters and then did my Brock String.
Before I left the house for Speech and OT, I checked on the garden. There was a rotten bell pepper so I threw it in the compost pile. I wonder what the beets and the carrots look like under the ground. Finally, I went to the library to return a whole bag full of books that we have read. When I got there one of the librarians, had even more books waiting for me to check out and some Lego Star Wars DVDs that he had ordered for me. I really like the library, everyone is so nice and they say how much they enjoy seeing me come in to visit.

I am headed to my mom's for the week. I will see you back here on Monday, August 12th. Be sure to watch the garden for me while I'm gone by visiting the Garden Cam!
Today's library book was "Up, Down, and Around" by Katherine Ayres.
I am drawing my summary of the book we read today. 
Here I am practicing my handwriting with the letter N.
Click on the arrow to watch me complete my addition equations.
Click on the arrow to watch me use my fingers to add in a different way.
This is my Brock String, it's like magic.
Look how big my garden is growing.
These are the beets and the carrots,
I wonder what they look like down in the dirt.
This is the Venn Diagram I dictated about watermelons and carrots.
Back to the library to return some books.

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