Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I Visited My New School Today

Today I started by completing my handwriting post test. When I looked at the pretest that I completed in May I couldn't believe it! I was able to focus on the entire passage and write the words correctly. I've posted a picture of both below. 
I went to my new school today for "Get To Know You Day". It was fun, I played and met new people even my teacher. Her name is Mrs. W. and she seems very nice.
When we came back to the house we read today's library book, "First Day, Hooray!" by Nancy Poydar. Everyone in the story was worried about making a mistake on the first day of school. Everything ended up being fine. I also read my BOB Books 4, 5, 6, and 7. 
I worked with my flashcards next. First I did my animal cards, then my sight words, and finally my addition equations. I played my new 50 States game and I found the state of Washington by it's shape in less than a minute.
I finished the day out by completing my vision therapy homework and a Venn Diagram. Today's Venn Diagram was on people vs dogs. I named many things that are the same and different about people and dogs.
The garden got more rain today and there are new string beans, banana peppers, and tomatoes that will be ready to pick tomorrow. I think I might pick a cob of corn tomorrow too.
I can never get enough math! 
Today's library book, "First Day, Hooray!" by Nancy Poydar.
This is me and my handwriting pre-test and post-test.
Me using my magic finger reading a BOB Book.
It took me less than a minute to find Washington State in my 50 States game.
This is me just getting started on my handwriting post-test.

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