Monday, August 12, 2013

Today I Read Ten Books!

There are only ten days left before the new school year starts and today I worked just as hard as any other day this summer to make sure I am ready. I began my morning by reading my BOB Books. I surprised my dad by reading BOB Book number 6, "Dot and the Dog" all by myself. My dad was surprised because I had only been read the book a few times and no one read it to me at all this past week. I only skipped a few of the words. I did so good reading book number 6 that we moved onto book number seven, "Jig and Mag". I will be reading it by myself by the end of the week. I finished by reading all the other BOB Books I have learned this summer.
Today's library book was "Don't Say That Word!" by Alan Katz. It was the funniest book. It was about a boy name Michael who's mom askes him about his day at school. Whenever he was getting ready to say a bad word like poop, boogies, and fart his mom would yell, "DON'T SAY THAT WORD!" At the end of the book Michael yells, "DON'T SAY THAT WORD!" when is mom says the word bed.
Next I practiced my sight word flash cards. I knew the words, down, go, I, a, cat, exit, dad, dog, and book. I also practiced with new flash cards. One set had pictures of animals and their names. There were animals that I have never seen before on some of the cards. The other set had addition equations; those were very easy.
Then I practiced same and different by completing a Venn Diagram about dogs and cats. I also practiced the similarities and differences in a bag of shapes and their colors. I  identified things that have wheels and some things that do not have wheels. I also practiced my handwriting with the letter M in upper case and lower case. I practiced completing addition equations by adding with 3 and adding with 4. I completed my vision therapy homework using my red and green glasses and my Brock String. I played a new game where I pick a folded up piece of paper out of a pile and on it is a shape of a state. I take the piece of paper over to my map of the United States of America and match the shape with the state on the map.
Finally, I checked on the garden. I picked a basket full of string beans, banana peppers, zucchini, and tomato yesterday. There are so many tomatoes growing I will have to give them away. There are a bunch of bell peppers too, but they still haven't changed color yet. The cobs of corn are growing bigger and bigger. I think we will be eating them soon. 
I like to write at least one big number every day.
I read my sixth BOB Book, Dot and the Dog by myself today.
Today's library book was, "Don't Say That Word!" by Alan Katz.
I'm writing my name and the date on my Venn Diagram.
This is my completed Venn Diagram on Dogs vs Cats.
Here I am practicing my handwriting with the letter M.
I'm getting pretty good at reading directions.
Click on the arrow to watch.
I love math!
Sometimes I use my fingers to help me add.
Click on the arrow to watch me add 4+8.
This is my new game to help learn the fifty states of the United States of America.
While I was gone my dad picked these
green tomatoes, green bell pepper, and string beans. 
My dad found these red tomatoes growing while I was gone.
Some days there a bunch of
vegetables to pick and some days there are only a few.
This basket is heavy with all the
vegetables that were ready to pick yesterday.
Yesterday I picked
string beans, banana peppers, a zucchini, and a yellow tomato.
Click on the arrow to watch a video of how we make
marinated banana peppers fresh from the garden.
My garden is growing out of control!
The new pumpkin is getting bigger.
More red tomatoes growing on the vine.
Look at all the tomatoes I picked today.

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