Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boo Boo, Stacy, and John are Rock n' Roll

Today I got to choose when I did my school activities (and obviously the title of today's entry). I decided to start by reading my library book for the day, "Anno's Magic Seed" by Mitsumasa Anno. A wizard gave Jack two magic seeds and ate one and planted the other. The planted seed grew two more seeds and eventually Jack had many many seeds. There was a lot of math in this book and I liked it.
Next I did a Venn Diagram based on the similarities and differnces between the washer and the dryer. Then I worked with my sight word flash cards. I didn't remember any new words, but still remembered which words were I, a, cat, dad, and down. 
Then I practiced my handwriting. Today I worked on the letter P. I had a hard time with the lower case p, it was tricky. Finally, I worked on math. I started by practicing the numbers 1 - 30 and finished with addition equations. Today I practiced adding with the number 1. Adding with 1 is easy because it is just the next number.
When I went out to check on the garden it seemed like the plants were even bigger than yesterday. 
Today's library book was,
"Anno's Magic Seed" by Mitsumasa Anno 
After we read the book we continued
planting seeds on our story summary. 
Click on the arrow to watch me complete my reading
graphic organizer. Sometimes reading books have math in them.
I am writing my name on the Venn Diagram I dictated.
These are all the books I know how to read.
This is Principal Bubby Wubby.
Click on the arrow to watch me practice my handwriting.
Click on the arrow to watch my mad math skills.
Click on the arrow to watch my mad math skills.
This is my dog Boo Boo Bear,
she is waiting for the rabbit to visit the garden.
Welcome back to my garden.
Corn on the Cob
My pumpkin doesn't seem to be growing anymore. 
My garden helper was trying to reposition the pumpkin
and it snapped right off the vine.
The tomatoes are getting fat.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I Had Fun!

Today I started with my sight word flash cards. I recognized the words a, I, cat, dad, and down. Once I was warmed up, I decided I wanted to tackle my BOB Books. I started with the newest book, Dot and Mit and I read it all by myself. I only made a mistake on two words in the whole book. I followed that with the rest of the BOB Books I have learned to read.
Next I did my weekly visual assessments and I did really good. First I did the numbers 1 - 50 and I only got eleven wrong. Then I worked on the alphabet. I recognized all the letters and their sounds. Finally, I had to name whether the letters were constants or vowels. I only made a mistake on three of the letters.
Then I practiced my handwriting with the letter B in upper case and lower case. Followed by math time. I practiced recognizing the numbers 1 - 30 to begin with and completed addition equations. Today I learned that whenever I add a number to zero the number stays the same, like 1,000+0=1,000. I like big numbers.
I completed another Venn Diagram today. I decided I wanted to name the things that are the same and different with a motorcycle and a bicycle. I thought of a lot of things and when I got stuck I went outside to look and named some more.
Finally we went to check on the garden and read a library book. Today we read "Wiggle and Waggle" by Caroline Arnold. It was a story about two worms that were friends and helped the vegetables in the garden grow. My garden is still growing and today I picked many banana peppers.
I asked that videos be made of me reading all my BOB Books today. The videos came out fine, but I cannot get them to upload here on the website. Here is one video.
BOB Books Set 1 Book 1: Mat
I practiced writing the letter B today.
This is the Venn Diagram I dictated today
about motorcycles and bicycles.
Today's library book was,
"Wiggle and Waggle" by Caroline Arnold. 
More banana peppers were ready to be picked today.
Look how tall the corn is now!

Monday, July 29, 2013

I Read the Purple Book By Myself

Today I started by reading BOB Book number 4 Mac by myself. I got all the words and sentences correct. I was so excited that I asked to read book number 5, Dot and Mit by myself too. I did pretty good job with all the words. Next I did something new, I worked with flash cards that had words on them. There were many cards and when I saw the words down, cat, and dad, I knew them already because I am learning to read.
I practiced writing the letter S today in lower case and upper case. Ss are easy to write. I took my time and did very well on writing words that have the letter s in them. Then I completed my math work. I practiced my numbers 1 - 30 and I did addition equations. I like counting and adding numbers.
I did another new thing today too. It is called a Venn Diagram and it is used to talk about things that might be the same and things that might be different. Today I thought about how a car and a bicycle are the same and how they are different. First I started by just thinking about the two things and then I went outside and looked at my bike and my dad's car and came up with more ideas.
Before I went to the garden I went outside and read today's library book. We read "Tippy - Tippy - Tippy, Hide!" by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas. It was a story about three bunnies that keep breaking into an old man's house to stay warm for the winter. 
Finally, I went to check on the garden. I was worried that the plants may have died because there has been so much rain. The garden was fine. All the plants are growing bigger. I even picked string beans. There are many tomatoes coming in and there are corn cobs growing.
I did it! I read the books Mac and Dot and Mit!
Here I am practicing my handwriting.
Click on the arrow to watch me read the directions.
Time to do math work.
I like adding numbers together.
I thought of things that are the same and different with my bike and my dad's car. 
Today's library book was "Tippy - Tippy - Tippy, Hide!"
by Candace Fleming and G. Brian Karas.
I gave a summary of the book and drew a picture.
My garden is big!
String Beans
I picked string beans today.
We're going to eat these string beans for dinner.
I found a cob of corn growing today.
The tomatoes are still green but they are growing bigger.

Friday, July 19, 2013

I Like To Work

Today I woke up not wanting to get out of bed. I knew I would have to face that BOB Book number 4, Mac again. Even though I have read it a few times, Mac still makes me nervous. I waited until the very last of my morning lessons to read my BOB Books. Can you guess how it went? I will tell you more further down.
I began my school work today by naming things that I find the refrigerator. The funny thing is, I just put my milk, grapes, and noodles away so there were three things on my list. I added water, watermelon, lemonade, carrots, and lettuce.
Next I practiced my handwriting with the letter Q in uppercase and lower case. One of my favorite words has the letter q in it, equal. I like equal because it is a math word. 
Then I did some math work. I practiced my numbers 11 - 30 and completed some addition problems. While I was practicing my numbers my brain got the hiccups and I thought the number 14 was 44 even though I knew it wasn't. 
The library book we read today was titled, "Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase", written by Cynthia Rylant. It was a funny book about a boy who goes to a farm with his dog, mother, and father. He and his dog find a goose who honks at them and chases them.
Finally, it was time to read my BOB Books. We added BOB Book number 5 today, titled Dot and Mit. I didn't have to read it because it is new. Instead it was read to me. Afterward though, it was time for me to read Mac again. I reviewed the hard word "had" again and off I went. I didn't do too bad at all. I try to keep remembering that at one point the BOB Books Dot, Sam, and Mat were all too hard for me too. As long as I keep trying, I will become a better reader.
Oh, and of course I checked on the garden. The corn is so much taller than me. Actually, it is even taller than my dad. My pumpkin is growing bigger and there were many banana peppers for me to pick.
I wanted to go to the library to return all the books I have read this week. It was so hot today that the library was closed.

I am headed to my mom's house for the week. I will see you back here on Monday, July 29th. Be certain to check on my garden for me while I am away by visiting the Garden Cam.
Here I am practicing my handwriting.
Click on the arrow to watch me practice my handwriting.
Math is my favorite subject.
I love adding numbers together.
I love to do addition equations.
The five BOB Books I have been reading. 
Today we read, "Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase"
by Cynthia Rylant
My garden is growing out of control!
Today I found a potato plant that we started
by planting a potato that had a sprout growing out of it.
See those tassles? That means an ear of corn is going to grow there.
Do you remember when the corn wasn't even up to my knees?
You can tell me your answer in the comments section below.
My first pumpkin grows bigger and bigger every day.
More tomatoes are on their way.
I picked so many more peppers than this today.
I had to carry them in my shirt.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Super Hot Days Are Good For The Garden

Today I started by filling out my goal sheet with the day of the week, the month, date, and year. I know how to spell July without looking at it to copy. Next I named things that live in the ocean, like fish, jellyfish, and sharks.
I read my BOB Book number 4 Mac by myself. I got all the "had" words correct.
Then it was time for me to practice my handwriting. Today I practiced writing the letter U in lowercase and uppercase. I also practiced my numbers 11-30. I did addition problems. Math is very easy for me.
Next I read the book, "Oliver's Milk Shake" by Vivian French. Oliver went to farm with his sister Lily and his Aunt Jen to buy fresh fruit and milk to make milk shakes. 
I went to check on the garden and there were many banana peppers to pick. There were also some string beans ready to eat. I am still waiting for the bell peppers to change color. I pulled up some carrots put they were still very tiny. 
It was very hot outside, so I came back in the house and did a 26 piece alphabet puzzle. It was hard, but I was happy when I finished it.
Time for math.
I wanted to read the directions myself.
I love doing addition problems.
Today we read the book, "Oliver's Milk Shake" by Vivian French.
The pumpkin is growing larger.
Look how small these carrots are.
I put them back in the ground to let them grow more. 
The tomatoes are getting bigger but they aren't ripe yet.
The peppers are big but they still have to change color.
The bell peppers have to grow some more and change color.
There were a bunch of string beans ready to be picked.
These string beans are long, but they're not ready to be picked.
Once they are greener they will be ready. 
These are all the vegetables we picked today.
A basket of fresh picked banana peppers and string beans.
Click on the arrow to watch me put a puzzle together.
This is the twenty-six piece alphabet puzzle I completed.