Thursday, June 20, 2013

CLO Camp Day 4

I woke up super early again this morning and I even did some Summer Project 2013 school work before going to CLO Camp. I read the first two BOB books "Mat" and "Sam" twice each all by myself and I practiced my numbers 1-10 again. We had a big, big day at CLO Camp. We were on the stage practicing all day except for to eat lunch.
When I got home I had to take a nap I was so tired. Afterward I worked on some school work. First, I summarized by day at CLO Camp and drew a picture to represent it. Next, I reread the BOB books "Mat" and "Sam" all by myself. Then we read the BOB book "Dot". Then I wrote the numbers twelve, 12, thirteen, 13, and fourteen, 14 in my Math Journal. Finally we read the book "Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole and summarized it by using a Story Map. 
Later, I checked on the garden and there was another red strawberry ready to be picked. Tonight, I got a surprise. Since I took a nap, my dad lite the campfire in the garden and put a television back there. We sat under the colorful lights and stars and watched the Miami Heat game. We also ate some of the ice cream I made yesterday.
My dad also put up a new camera in the garden. Now you can see the garden even better than before. Go to GARDEN CAM to check out the live video feed.

I'm headed to my mom's for the week after CLO Camp tomorrow. I will see you back here on Monday, July 1, 2013.
This is me practicing my numbers before CLO Camp.
This is me arriving to CLO Camp where I am learning
to act and sing in a musical production.
More strawberries are growing in the garden.
Another great day at CLO Camp.
I am drawing a summary of my day at CLO Camp. 
Here I am writing in my Math Journal.
Today's book is" Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole.
Here I am reading my second BOB book.
Another red strawberry to eat.
My dad surprised me tonight with a campfire and a
television to watch the Miami Heat game in the garden.
Headband time! Go Heat!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CLO Camp Day 3

I woke up super early again this morning so that I could practice my hockey and tend to the garden before going to CLO Camp. I found another strawberry today that was ready to pick. Today at CLO Camp we practiced our songs and lines some more. My line changed to, "Pick it up Pooh!" I am getting more and more excited about the performance next week. I really like CLO Camp.
Later when I came home from camp, I worked on my Summer Project 2013 work. I started by summarizing what I did at CLO Camp today and I drew a picture of me on the stage and the stage curtain in the back ground. Then I practiced writing my numbers 1-10. I also practiced writing "at" words in my Language Arts Journal; cat, mat, sat, bat, hat, fat. I also wrote the entire alphabet in my Language Arts Journal. Afterward, I reread the BOB Book "Mat" set 1, book 1 all by myself and then I helped read book 2 "Sam". I am so excited that I can read and I like the BOB books very much. Finally we read the book, "and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
I did have a special surprise science project to complete when I got home from camp. We completed it in two parts. I had to guess what it was we were doing the entire time. First we whipped some egg yolks, sugar, and heavy cream together. Then, we warmed it on the stove. Finally we added vanilla, salt, and whipping cream and stirred everything together before putting it in the refrigerator. I thought it might be cheese but no one would tell me if that was right. After I did my school work and had dinner, we placed the mixture back in a bigger bowl and watched it whip around for twenty minutes or so. I thought it might still be cheese, until I tasted it. It was vanilla ice cream! I made my very own vanilla ice cream! I couldn't believe it. It tasted so good!
Finally, I was outside before I went to bed and the dogs found a rabbit nest in the yard. There was a little gray baby rabbit deep in the nest.
I found another ripe strawberry in the garden today.
This is an outdoor thermometer and rain gage.
I am drawing the picture summary to go along with what
I dictated about my third day at CLO Camp.
Click on the arrow to watch me draw my picture
summary of what I did at CLO Camp today.
Practicing my numbers.
Click on the arrow to watch me read my first book.
We read the book, "and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
I completed the graphic organizer I used to
summary the book, "and then it's spring"
by Julie Fogliano.
Me and the book we read today,
"and then it's spring" by Julie Fogliano.
All the ingredients I need to make my first batch of ice cream.
Whipping the eggs into shape.
Next I stirred the custard over the stove top.
Then I stirred in the rest of the ingredients.
After the custard sat in the refrigerator for awhile,
I poured it into the ice cream maker.
Click on the arrow to watch me pour the custard
into the ice cream maker.
The ice cream maker at work.
Tasting my first batch of vanilla ice cream.
With rainbow sprinkles of course!
This is the baby rabbit nest I found in the yard.
There is a little gray, baby rabbit in there.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

CLO Camp Day 2

Today I woke up really early so that I could practice hockey and tend to the garden before I went to CLO Camp. When I got to the garden I noticed many changes. It seems like all the fruit and vegetable plants are growing bigger and bigger every day. That romaine lettuce that I planted over the weekend just keeps growing and the corn is getting taller. I even picked my first strawberry!
When I got to CLO Camp today we all got assigned our characters and lines. I am the green in the rainbow narrators and I say, "To your left... No Pooh, you're other left." I will also be a bubble bee. I am so excited. I have to practice my line and all the lyrics to the songs every night to make sure I give a good performance next week. After CLO Camp I went to the library to return some books and check out something new. I saw the librarians Michelle and James there. Then my dad took me to buy my costume for the performance. I have to wear all green because I am the "green" in the rainbow narrators and a black head band for my part as a bubble bee. I am so excited.
Because my day was so long, I did not do any other work on my Summer Project 2013 today.
The garden is really growing.
These are the tops of the carrots that are growing in the garden.
Two red strawberries are growing in the garden.
One of the strawberries was ripe for picking.
The romaine lettuce I planted on Saturday is growing so fast.
The corn is as tall as the fence now.
The herbs are growing the fastest.
This is me arriving bright and early to CLO Camp.
I really like it here!

Monday, June 17, 2013

CLO Camp Day 1

Every day this week I am going to CLO Camp from 8:30am - 2:30pm. It's a super long day, but lots of fun. Most of my focus will be on my time at CLO this week, but I will still do a little school work each day and tend to my garden. The Pittsburgh CLO is a theatre company that hosts many productions each year. I like to go to the theatre and also act out scenes in movies so my dad thought I might like this camp.
CLO Camp was tons of fun. I met some new friends, practiced lines for a theatre production, and sang songs. I even got to get on stage. I'm not sure I want to be on stage in front of a lot of people yet, but I like camp. On our way home we stopped by the library. I asked my dad this morning if we could and he said yes. I returned a few books and checked out a new one on karate. I keep finding new things in the library.
When I came home I checked on the garden. There are more strawberries and the zucchini and pumpkin vines are growing so big. My dad planted some more flowery plants on the fence and watered the garden. I am so excited for all my friends to see the garden one day soon. Then, I dictated a summary of my day at CLO Camp and drew a picture. I also practiced my numbers 1-10 and reread the BOB Book Mat again all by myself. Then we read the book "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Krauss. Finally, I dictated a summary of the book and drew a picture.
Here are a few pictures, I will add more tomorrow.
This is a picture of me and some of my camp mates.
We had all just arrived and were kind of quiet.
Back at the library. I love this place!
This is the row of zuccihni is growing so fast.
This is the pumpkin vine, I think it is growing so big
and fast because it is directly under the scarecrow.
We read "The Carrot Seed" by Ruth Krauss today.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Garden Sessions

Before I went to my hockey game today I checked on the celery science experiment I started on Friday. I wanted to see if the leaves were redder and bluer and they were. Then we cut them hot dog style (vertically) to see if the colors were in the center. They were; we could see the red and the blue colors running up the stalks. It rained almost all day today and the garden soaked up over half an inch of rain. While it was raining I practiced writing words, sentences, and numbers. I also read my very first book on my own. It was really hard, but now that I know I can do it, I want to try another one. We also read a big book today, "From Seed to Plant" by Gail Gibbons. To summarize it I created a storyboard of how a seed grows into a plant. Once it stopped raining I went out to check on the garden. Not only are there more strawberries growing, but the bottom of the romaine lettuce head that I planted has all ready started growing. 
Checking out the inside of the celery stalk.
I read this book all on my own today. It is the first book I have ever read.
We read a book about how plants grow.
Today we read "From Seed To Plant" by Gail Gibbons
Click on the arrow to watch me make a
storyboard of the book we read today.
My completed storyboard summarizing the book we read
today and showing the stages of a seed growing into a plant.
LOOK! The romaine lettuce bottoms I planted yesterday
are all ready growing. It isn't taking as long as I thought.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday School in the Sun

The first thing I did when I woke up was look at the celery stalks I placed in the glasses of colored water yesterday. Boy was I wrong on my hypothesis. The red and blue water had gone all the way up to the top of the stalk. I had said it would take ninety-nine days to get to the top. Thank you to everyone who left their hypothesis in the comment section of yesterday's blog entry. I also started another experiment last night. I took the bottom of the celery stalk that we cut off yesterday and planted it in the ground along with two ends of romaine lettuce. My hypothesis is that each will grow into a new plant. I think it will take a little longer to see if I am correct.

Today I asked if I could do my school work on the deck and we did. First I practiced writing the letter D and then the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Then we read the book "Oh Say Can You Seed?" by Bonnie Worth. It was a really long book, but we read it all at once. I discovered that some seeds blow in the wind and that some have spikes. I also learned interesting facts such as bees carry pollen and some animals live underground near the roots of plants. Finally, I completed a "Let's name..." card. I got to lay in the grass and look up in the sky and name things I could see in the sky. 
Check it out! The colored water all ready made it up the celery stalks.
This is the bottom of the celery that I used for my science experiment.
Now I have planted it in the garden and started a new science experiment
to see if it will grow into a new celery plant.
These are the bottoms of two heads of romaine lettuce.
They are also a part of my next science experiment to see
if they will grow into new plants.
My dad surprised me last night by hanging colored
lights above the garden.
A picture of me writing the letter D.
A picture of me writing my numbers.
We read today's library book in the garden.
This is me with the book we read today,
"Oh Say Can You Seed?" by Bonnie Worth.
I laid down in my garden and named the things
I saw in the sky.
There is a strawberry turning red in the garden!
Click on the arrow to watch me practice my math.