Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Insects and Animals Big and Small

Over the last month we have seen lots of worms and insects in the garden. These are some of the ones we have seen and we did research on the internet to figure out what the names for them were.
Earth Worm
Big Dipper Firefly
Lady Bug
This is a baby Mantis sitting on a beet leaf.
Ailanthus Webworm Moth 
We can't find the name for this spider.
We think this yellow and black centipede
is an 
Apheloria virginiensis.
This is a Spittle Bug.
It is called a Spittle Bug because of the "spit" it leaves behind.
This Bubble Bee is getting nectar out of the Bok Choy blossom.
At the same time the Bubble Bee is getting the pollen from the blossom
on it and will end up carrying it to another flower.
This is the Catapillar eating the Bok Choy.
It will turn into a White Cabbage Butterfly.
Look closely and you will see the rabbit
that lives in our garden. It is just to the right
of the scarecrow, eating the beet leaves.
I went to the zoo today to see how big and how small different animals are. I keep learning about new animals but I've been having a hard time figuring out how big or how small they are. So today I took a trip to the zoo to figure it out.

The Red Panda is smaller than me.

The Flamingos are taller than me right now, but I will grow taller.
The Black Rhinosauraus is born shorter than me but weights more.
By the time it is a year old it is as tall as me and just keeps growing taller.

The Leopard is shorter than me, but is much stronger and faster.
The Ostrich is definetely taller than me and the Gazelles jump
much higher than I can at eight feet. 
This is my map of the Pittsburgh Zoo.
I marked off the areas we visited as we walked along.

The Elephant is born as tall as me and weights much more.
A baby Giraffe is born six feet tall. That is as tall as my dad.
These Koi fish are much smaller than me,
but they can breath under water and I cannot.
These are Lemurs. I remember when Charlie the Lemur visited
Christie and Stacy and jumped in the ladies hair. He was cute.
This is a Gibbon. It is smaller than me, but it's arms are super long.
The Gibbon uses them to swing through trees.

This is the big Silverback Gorilla. He is the boss of all the other Gorillas.

I ate lunch overlooking the Gorilla habitat. 

I completed a animal scavenger hunt while at the zoo today.
This is a Black Bear. It was taking a nap. It reminded me of my dad.
This bear is bigger than my dad.

All sorts of different Penguins and Puffins are smaller than me,
but they can swim much better than me.
Jellyfish are smaller than me.

These tiny Sea Horses are the size of my hand.

These are where the Sting Rays swim. You can touch them.
They are much smaller than me.
I'm pretty sure this fish weighs more than me and it may be just
as long as I am tall.
This Otter looks smaller than me,
but I bet if it stood next to me it would be just as tall.

This Shark is absolutely bigger and stronger than me.

Some of the Sea Lions looked like they are the same size as me.
There was one big one that was bigger than my dad.
They could all swim really fast.

This sheep was not taller than me,
but I bet it weighs as much as I do.
This goat was smaller than me,
but I think it weighed more than me. 
These turtles are much smaller than me and slower. 
My first time eating Dippin' Dots... I'm not a fan.

My journal entry for today.

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