Monday, June 30, 2014

The Tomatoes Are Getting Bigger

It's Monday again and I spent my morning getting smarter! I did so much today work today you won't believe it. I kept focused on my goal of going to the pool, playing basketball, and getting to play hockey later. After I finished my work I checked on the garden. The tomatoes are getting bigger and the first zucchini is growing.

Here is what I did today:

Summer Pack
Flags of the World Cup: 17/32
Thinking Skills Flash Cards
Story Cubes
Blending Sounds
Listen for the Sound
Sight Words: 44/55
Beginning Sounds C & D Worksheets
Ending Sounds
Max Meets a Man (Interpretation & Guided Reading)
About Me: Names (Writing)
Consonant Sounds & Sequencing
Subtraction & Addition
Words to Know
Counting 3 & 4
Journal Writing
Telling Time
Hour of Code
BOB Books Set 4 Books 1-4
When I was done with my work, I played basketball.

Friday, June 20, 2014

It's Been a Great Week

I've had a great week, completing a lot of work, going to the pool, and watching the World Cup matches. I also got to go to Cheesecake Factory last night for dinner because I met my personal goal for the week. Today I am headed to Kennywood because I met another goal by finishing all my learning work each day this week. After Kennywood, I am headed to my mom's for the week. I asked my dad to water the garden for me while I was gone. I'll be back here in seven days.

Today I:

Read a Library Book: Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Thinking Skills: The Howler Monkey's roar can be heard from my house to Heinz Field. A  baker makes cookies, cakes, and cupcakes. Utahraptor lived in Utah that's how it got it's name.
Flags of the World Cup: 12/32
Story Cubes
Sight Words
BOB Books Set 4 Books 1-4

Journal Writing
Telling Time
Out of the Maze

Silly Sentences
Sounds: A

Max Meets Max (interpretation & guided reading)
About Me (writing)

Consonant Sounds & Picture Clues
Writing e, i, o, u
Completing Shapes
After I completed my work I checked on the garden. There were many spider webs and the zucchini plants finally have blossoms which mean we will have zucchinis soon.

Zucchini Blossom
Spider Web
Spider Web
Spider Web
Spider Web
Zucchini Blossom

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lots To Do Today

Yesterday afternoon we went to the library to return some books and pick up some new books that were waiting.

I have many things I want to do today so I got up early to do my work. Unfortunately my allergies are bothering me today and I had a very hard time concentrating on my work today. Now that I've gotten all my work done, I am going to go to the pool, then go to the pub a watch the World Cup with my friends, then go to Speech, and then have dinner at Cheesecake Factory!

Before we started our work we found this really cool looking beetle in our kitchen. (then we cleaned up the spilled coffee)

So here is what I did today:

Thinking Skills
Flags of the World Cup Flash Cards
Story Cubes
Sound Search
Sight Word Word Search
Read a Library Book: Diary of a Fly by Doreen Cronin
Listen & Match
Sight Words 55/55
Matching Words
Check What You Know (Math)
Short Vowel Sounds
Missing 1st Letter
Journal Writing
Rhyming Words
Max Jumps (interpretation & guided reading)
About Me (Writing)
Consonant Sounds
Facts & Details of a Story
Telling Time
BOB Books Set 4 Books 1-4: 100% on Book 1

Microscope Fun: It was raining this morning so I looked at candy sprinkles under my table top microscope.
My Tabletop Microscope
I'm carefully placing the candy sprinkles under the microscope.

Check out the candy sprinkles on my computer screen.
Candy sprinkles under the table top microscope.
This is a piece of dog food.
You can see the dog food on the computer screen.
Now I'm looking at a purple petal that I picked from the garden a few days ago.
Later it stopped raining so I went to the garden and measure how tall the vegetable plants are growing.
The zucchini plants are 2 feet tall.
The bean vines are 37 inches tall.
The tomato plants are 2 feet 3 inches tall.