Friday, May 24, 2013

Planting Day

Today I practiced writing the big I and little i. While I was practicing, I wrote the word ill. I also practiced writing the numbers 5 and 6. We read the book "The Munched-Up Flower Garden" by Nancy Kelly Allen and illustrated by K. Michael Crawford. It was a story about a little girl name Liz who wanted to win a blue ribbon for her flower garden. The day of the picnic there was a problem. She woke up and her flowers were destroyed. Liz thought there was no way she would win. But, the judges had picked the winner the day before and Liz's garden won first prize. Finally we spent the rest of the morning planting seed and baby plants for our fruit and vegetable garden. My dad worked very hard to help me. I planted my favorite fruit. It's watermelon!

I'll see everyone back here on Monday, June 3, 2013.
I'm going to my mom's house for the week.

I'm writing the word May on my Daily Goal Sheet.
I am practing writing the letter I in lower and upper case.
Today I read the book "The Munched-Up Flower Garden".
I brought some of the plants out to the garden.
I planted baby bell peppers.
I planted corn seeds.
Here I helped by dad with the last row of vegetable plants.
Click on the play button to watch.
My dad put a fence around the garden to help keep the rabbits out.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today's Big Dig

Today I practiced writing the numbers 3 and 4. I also practiced writing the letter Ll in upper case and lower case. We read the book "Daisy's Big Dig" by Angie Morgan and wrote a summary. The story was about a girl name Daisy who had lots of neighbors. There was a problem, her neighbor Mr. Hofmeister hurt his back and could not dig in his garden. Daisy got all the other neighbors to come help him. Then, we had a Big Dig of our own! We spent the rest of the morning digging up the area where we will plant our fruit and vegetable garden tomorrow. I said something funny, "Gardening is hard work, just like Lucy said in that book we read on Tuesday." We also found lots of things to keep.

Practicing my upper case and lower case Ll. 
We read and summarized the book
Daisy's Big Dig by Angie Morgan.
My dad prepared the area where we will till today.
I supervised my dad tilling the area where we will plant our garden.
My dog Boo Boo Bear wasn't much help looking for rocks.
See, Boo Boo Bear is not much help at all.
Click the button to watch the video.
We had three wheel barrels full of rocks.
We're ready to plant our
fruit and vegetable garden tomorrow!
Things we found tilling the garden today!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Shopping Day

Today I started out by writing the words, ground, dirt, water, field, trip, and place in my Science and Social Studies Journals. I also practiced writing the numbers 1 and 2. Then, I practiced writing lines, circles, and slanted lines. We read the book, "Curious George The Perfect Carrot" by Joe Fallon (adaptation of Marcy Goldberg Sacks television series). We played another game of dominos and dad surprised us in the middle of the game. He found money and we counted it. Then, using our survey from yesterday, we made a list of things we would need to buy at the store to create our fruit and vegetable garden. Finally, we went on a field trip to Lowe's where we bought seeds, baby plants, and tools to help us start building our garden tomorrow.

Today's library book was "Curious George: The Perfect Carrot".
This is where I will plant my fruit and vegetable garden.
We measured out the area for our garden.
My dad drew a funny smiley face while we were staking out the garden.
We went on a field trip to Lowe's to buy supplies for our garden.
Here I am with my seeds and some of the plants for the garden.
This is a video of me pushing the cart at Lowe's.
Just push the play button to watch it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Getting Ready to Grow a Garden

I started today by writing the day, month, date, and year on my goal sheet. Then I wrote a sentence. Afterward, I watched a funny video that taught me the sound that every letter makes. The letter N was a bad letter because it kept saying "NO!". Then I read the book, "Good Grief! Gardening Is Hard Work", by Charles Schulz. I also wrote words in my Math, Science, and Social Studies Journals. I stayed in the lines and even wrote one of the S right. Then I learned to play a new game called Dominos. Finally, I surveyed my family to see what kind of fruits and vegetables will should grow in our garden.

Me drawing a picture of Lucy above my summary of the book
"Good Grief! Gardening Is Hard Work!".
My first game of dominos and I won!
I like taking surveys.
Today I surveyed my family to see what
fruits and vegetables they would like to grow in our garden.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Let's Get Going... To the Library

Today was the first day of my Summer Project 2013. I read the book, "Lola at the Library" by Anna McQuinn and Rosalind Beardshaw. Then I found a map from my house to the library and used it to walk there. Once I got to the library I signed up for a library card, I played, and I checked out my first book. Finally I walked home.

I will be finishing every lesson by writing a paragraph on my website and including photographs of my day. I will do this Monday thru Friday every other week all summer long.

Me checking out my first book from the library.
Me with my library card and first library book
out front of my local library branch.
Another picture of me with my library card and first library
book out front of my local library branch.
On one of the observation decks on Mount Washington
overlooking the city of Pittsburgh.